Youth Leaders


We know that teenagers today have big questions about faith and sexuality. Some are wrestling with their own experience of sexuality and are wondering what God says about it and what he might ask of them if they are or if they become a follower of Jesus. Others are wrestling with what the Bible says about sexuality – is it fair, is it practical, and is it good news for gay people? Still others are wrestling with how they can best love Jesus and love their gay friends.

In this context, youth leaders have a vital role to play. Youth leaders can help young people to acknowledge their questions and to explore them in safe and constructive ways. We want to help youth leaders as they seek to support young people in this way.

Youth Leader Network

One of the ways we seek to support youth leaders is through our Youth Leader Network. The network is designed to offer youth leaders an easy way to get equipped to help young people navigate questions of faith and sexuality. We do this through email and video newsletters, Q&A videos, and more. Head to the Youth Leader Network page to find out more or sign up at the link below.

Click here to sign up

Youth Leaders' Podcast Series

This podcast series gives youth leaders (and others working with young people) a crash course in helping teenagers to engage with Christian teaching on sexuality and gender.

Understanding Youth Culture feat. Mike Snowdon (Youth Leaders' Crash Course #1)

Podcasts | 39 mins

Responding to Culture (Youth Leaders' Crash Course #2)

Podcasts | 31 mins

Teaching the Bible (Youth Leaders' Crash Course #3)

Podcasts | 35 mins

Pastoral Support: The Wider Community feat. Tim Alford (Youth Leaders' Crash Course #4)

Podcasts | 34 mins

Pastoral Support: Caring for Same-sex Attracted Teens (Youth Leaders' Crash Course #5)

Podcasts | 38 mins

Thinking About Transgender feat. Dr. Julie Maxwell (Youth Leaders' Crash Course #6)

Podcasts | 39 mins

LGBT+ Teenagers and Mental Health feat. Dr. Preston Sprinkle (Youth Leaders' Crash Course #7)

Podcasts | 39 mins

Resources for youth leaders

We have a growing collection of resources that can be helpful to youth leaders. A few highlights are featured below. Head to our youth leader resources page for more.

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